Virtual Interviews

Virtual interviews are extremely regular as a first stage meet in the engineering recruitment process. Employers will use Teams, Google Meet or Zoom, and with an increasingly mobile global workforce it is happening more and more.

Here are some of my pointers to help towards that successful first impression.

Interview Set-Up

You need to find the appropriate setting or background to your video interview. Make sure you are in a quiet location and won’t be interrupted. Minimise the noise.
Have a simple or neutral background. You can download a suitable background if you don’t have this option.
Well-lit location. Place yourself facing a window to take advantage of natural light. Or use a table lamp. NB: If the light is behind you, it will silhouette your face.
Test your setup the day before. Complete a dummy run with a family member or friend. You can record it as well, so you can review ahead.
Test your camera, microphone, and internet speed works efficiently.
Ideally conduct your interview on a desktop or laptop rather than a mobile phone. Avoid conducting the interview from your car. It doesn’t provide a professional first impression.
Your camera should ideally be at head level to make it more natural. If using a laptop, you could use a laptop stand, or a pile of books.
Check the app you are using is up to date.

Preparation for Presentation

Dress as you would for a face-to-face interview. this will put you in the correct mindset.
Organise your desk for a stress-free environment. Have anything you may need to hand. CV, Job Description, or notes to refer to.
Set any note-taking expectations, if you plan to type notes or on a notepad, let your interviewer know so they know you aren’t being distracted.
Have a glass of water to hand.
Don’t forget about your body language.
Maybe have a few flash cards pinned near your screen, you can use them for prompting if needed.

Day of the Interview

Laptop and computer on, make sure it’s plugged in, all updates completed.
Turn off your emails, social media, apps that could send notifications.
Join the meeting 5 mins beforehand. Great chance to check your connectivity works.
Switch off your phone.
Check at the start that the interviewer can hear you, always a nice touch!
Pro tip: Place the video window as close to your actual webcam as possible so when you’re looking at the interviewer, you’ll also be looking at the webcam.
If something happens with the connection, don’t worry. Everyone understands that a video call can have glitches. It is always okay to ask someone to repeat something.

Back-up Plan

Inevitably, technology can let us down. Ask the interviewer for a number to call, you can always continue by telephone.
Video interviews are no less formal than regular face-to-face interviews. So, it goes without saying that preparation is your key to success.

Remember to have fun. Don’t forget to smile. Showing you’re enjoying the virtual interview are absolutely encouraged.